'This is my Edinburgh' launches Foursquare campaign in partnership with scotsman.com

HOW would you like to become the 'mayor' of Edinburgh?

scotsman.com has teamed up the 'This is my Edinburgh' campaign to launch a location-based competition around the Capital that utilises growing social media platform Foursquare.

Throughout this month and next, smartphone owners will be encouraged to 'check-in' to places they've visited and leave comments and recommendations.

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The person with the most 'check-ins' is crowned the mayor in that location.

A total of 30 'check-in' locations will be set in across the city for the 'This is my Edinburgh' competition with prizes set to be offered for those who check in the most at specified locations.

A prize will also be awarded to the person who has accumulated the most 'mayorships'.

A mini-trail of Edinburgh Festival locations is set to run during August.

The 'This is my Edinburgh' website will feature a dedicated page detailing who is the current mayor at each location and a competition leaderboard alongside comments left by users.

The 'This is my Edinburgh' marketing drive, which is backed by Destination Edinburgh Marketing Alliance, aims to attract young, culturally-savvy visitors to the Scottish capital for a short-break between July and August.

• To 'check-in' to a venue, users need a smartphone which has the free Foursquare software installed. There are currently versions for the Apple iPhone, Google Android-based handsets and Blackberry phones.

For updates on the competition follow 'This is My Edinburgh' on Twitter at twitter.com/Edinburgh_ or on Facebook at facebook.com/weloveedinburgh