Ship's rude video sinks navy captain

The captain of a US Navy aircraft carrier is expected to be relieved of command after producing videos that featured slurs against homosexuals, simulated masturbation and crude sexual jokes.

The Navy is expected to relieve Captain Owen Honors of the USS Enterprise, military officials said, days after images from the videos began popping up on the internet and on TV news.

Honors produced, starred in and circulated the videos aboard ship three or four years ago, when he was second in command of the nuclear-powered carrier. He was later promoted to command the USS Enterprise.

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The videos, with scenes of women pretending to shower together and a mock rectal examination, were broadcast on the ship's closed-circuit television system as entertainment for the carrier's 5,800 crew.

"This is the sort of thing you'd expect from a 19-year-old recruit. But you're dealing here with a 49-year-old senior officer and this has called his judgment into question," one official said.