Shedding 20 stones has been a gigantic weight off our minds

A BROTHER and sister have both managed to transform their lives after losing more than 20 stones between them.

Scott Clunie, 28, is celebrating the birth of his baby daughter after losing almost half his body weight and marrying the girl of his dreams.

He started Weight Watchers with older sister Jeanette, who said her weight meant she was afraid to leave her house. But after shedding five stones, she has now started to turn her life around.

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Mr Clunie, a Scottish Gas employee from Musselburgh, said they had supported each other through their efforts.

As he weighed 32 stones and Jeanette weighed 28 stones, both were seriously overweight.

Not only did Mr Clunie lose a massive 15 stones, but he also found romance with wife Nicola, who had been a friend for several years. They married in December and their daughter, Nieve, was born on Valentine's Day.

Both siblings had begun piling on the pounds as children. Scott had taken steroids for his asthma, which had added to his problem.

He said: "I didn't exercise at all and I'd be tired just walking to the end of the road. Now I can do a lot more and go out for runs and play football with my stepson.

"It was very hard losing weight at times, especially if I tried to be really good but couldn't see a difference. But you do need to persevere and the support really helped.

"I'm very happy with my life and my size now . Now I've got to keep fit and healthy for Nieve. She needs a dad around who can move. I'm absolutely loving every minute of it."

Ms Clunie, a 41-year-old mum-of-two from Ferry Road, put on a lot of weight when she started working at home.

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She was also suffering from depression and her self-confidence plummeted, meaning she hardly left home for three years.

She said: "I was 39 and I'd gained nine-and-a-half stones in three years. I thought, 'If I don't stop now, I could be dead'. I was housebound because of it and I knew it was time to do something.

"I asked Scott to take me to Weight Watchers. When I lost weight, I started feeling a lot better. It really changed my life and I had the confidence to go out again.

"We're all really proud of Scott and I'm sure he's going to be a great father."

The Clunies both cut down on fatty foods and takeaways, replacing them with home cooking and plenty of walks. They also attended regular Weight Watchers meetings in Musselburgh.

Ms Clunie initially managed to lose a total of 10 stones, although she has regained some weight. She is determined to head back to the classes to lose more.

A spokeswoman said: "It is always so exciting when we hear of any member's success, but Scott's story did really stand out.

"He is such a good role model to other members in his meeting. He proves that if you put your mind to it and have a motivational leader, anything is possible.

"It is a new year and a new him and we hope he inspires more men to join Weight Watchers."

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