IN PICTURES: Kids enjoy this year’s Bang goes the Borders science festival
By Kathryn Wylie
Published 23rd Sep 2019, 13:46 GMT
Fergus Rawson, Isaac Stuart and Hamish McLeman press apples with Charlotte Watson from Greener Melrose.
More than 1,000 youngsters from across the region got to grips with all things scientific and environmental at St Mary’s School on Saturday.
The annual Bang goes the Borders festival was captured on camera for us by photographers Bill McBurnie and Douglas Hardie.
Lucas and Sarah Horsman with Fin Hume from Lauder.
Stow Primary school pupils, Archie Brown (9) and Isabelle Mack (8) demonstrate the giki app, used to live more sustainably to Emily Lewington, Sophie Edwardson and Megan Brown.
Stow Primary's Lola Jiminez and Maggie Hodgson with headteacher Debbie Matthewson and P5/6 teacher Ruth Leckie.
Youngsters enjoy a science demonstration.
Six-year-old Angus Kirkness learning about neutralising acids with Melanie Filson and his favourite teacher Kirsty McRae, head of music.
Dan Banford exploring sedimentary rock with Ailsa Simmons, Genevieve Entrikan and Iona Stormont.
Tristan Ballantine, Tiggy Mattheson and Ollie DeGier nervously gett to grips with some critters from Tristan Bruce's zoolab.
Lucas and Sarah Horsman with Fin Hume from Lauder.
Helen Brand from the NHS Smile team with Hanna and Callum Ramsay.
Joseph, Cameron and Lynne Bain drilling for oil at Melrose.
Head of science Mwara Stuart makes soap with Olivia Richards and her friends at Melrose.
Jacob Kowbel makes soap with Orla and Maggie Largy.