Restaurateur put seabird on menu

An ABERDEEN restaurant boss has been threatened with prosecution for serving gannet.

Jimmy Elliot was contacted by police and informed he was potentially breaking the law by putting the seabird on his menu.

Acting after a complaint from the Scottish Government, officers threatened to come down and seize the bird from his kitchen.

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Elliot, who owns Musa in Aberdeen, said: "We have a plan: if the police arrive we are shutting ourselves up in the kitchen and troughing the lot so they can't take it away. It's ridiculous that this much fuss is being made over a seabird."

Baby gannet, known as guga, has been a delicacy in the Western Isles for at least 500 years. However, it's thought the diner is the first restaurant in the UK to serve up the pungent, salty dish.