PREVIEW: Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood at Heriot's McFie Hall

The players, in their own words, are “a bunch of amateurs who enjoy murdering well-known songs and dressing up in other people’s clothes”.
However, they do themselves somewhat a disservice in that description. They are also full of fun, with comedy timing to die for, and a good dollop of fantastic entertainment besides, in this year’s frolic, Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood.
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Hide AdEvery panto needs a villain, and Gregor Hall’s Sheriff of Nottingham provides everything you could want ... he exudes evil, balanced by the character’s ineptness, and overacts to the point of ridiculousness – fantastic stuff.

His partner in crime, Dennis, played by Aileen Collings is the perfect foil, acting as the dastardly sheriff’s moral compass, even though he elects not to listen. Aileen is one of the true stars of the show.
On the other side of the spectrum are Robin (Steff Potter) and Maid Marian (Alison Crabbe). The leading duo give possibly the most polished performance musically, and they also have a lot of fun along the way.
The obligatory dame, is Winnie Widebottom, played by Donald Boyd, who, we’ll warn you now, will be looking around the front row for a knight in shining armour before performing a striptease, thankfully off-stage.
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Hide AdAnd the merry men all have their own moments to shine, with Kate Finlayson’s Little John and Helen Brown’s Friar Tuck standing out.

The story? You all know it ... evil, intrigue, robbing from the rich to give to the poor, attempted murder, a hero that can be too cocky for their own good, a timeless romance, sword-fighting, arrows flying, hungry monks and rabbits running scared.
They take on songs that are challenging – such as Michael Jackson’s lyrically difficult Bad, and challenging for other reasons, Baby Shark.
And for moments of comedy, you can’t beat a bit of slapstick done really well ... watch out for the dungeon door Robin!
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Hide AdIt’s raw, it’s brilliant, and it’s only on for two nights – Friday and Saturday – at the McFie Hall, Heriot, at 7.30pm. So you’d better get along or it will be behind you.

Oh, yes it will!
Robin Hood: Steff Potter
Maid Marion: Alison Crabbe

Sheriff: Gregor Hall
Winnie Widebottom: Donald Boyd
Dennis: Aileen Collings
Friar Tuck: Helen Brown
Alan-A-Dale: Elspeth Robertson
Little John: Kate Finlayson
Will Scarlet: Kelley Robertson
Tilly: Fiona Eades
Tommy: Angus Boyd
Producer and costumes: Fran Bennett. Music: Felix Otton. Lighting: Colin Mackie. Prompt: Ruth Kydd. Backdrops: Cast past and present.