300 academics sign open letter to PM over '˜xenophobia'

The letter, which goes live to the public to sign today at www.notforeign.com, follows the row which broke out after Ms Rudd’s speech to the Conservative Party conference last week.
The speech attracted criticism from a range of high-profile organisations including the British Chambers of Commerce, whose director general Adam Marshall said having a global workforce should not be seen as a “badge of shame”.
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Hide AdSignatories to the open letter, which was written by the Glasgow-based Irish journalist, broadcaster and writer Dr Peter Geoghegan, include theatre director Cora Bissett, writers Denise Mina, AL Kennedy and Christopher Silver, Ian Hamilton QC, Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, Dr Dan van her Horst, University of Edinburgh, Rev Peter Macdonald, leader of the Iona Community and Dr Duncan Morrow, chairman of the Scottish Government independent advisory group on hate crime, prejudice and community cohesion.
The letter says foreign nationals are “not a separate caste in our society – they are our friends, partners, colleagues and neighbours...they are part of who we are” and calls on the UK government to rule out policies “premised on dividing workplaces and communities based on where they were born”.
Dr Geoghegan said despite moves by the Tory Party in recent days to tone down Ms Rudd’s words, he was greatly concerned about the inflammatory sentiments and language being used.
“I’ve been living in the UK, mainly Scotland, for over a decade and I’ve always felt very welcome and tried to contribute to public life. But I woke up on Wednesday morning after Amber Rudd’s speech and said ‘I think I want to leave’.
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Hide Ad“The last thing a society needs is this sort of dehumanising language dividing people into ‘foreign’ or ‘non-foreign’. It is quite xenophobic and can leave some people feeling more emboldened, that ‘maybe it’s OK to say that someone doesn’t belong here’. History will show that once you start talking like this it’s difficult to stop.”
Dr Geoghegan added: “This is very dangerous politics which has opened up a Pandora’s box. It has been reported worldwide in papers like the New York Times and people are wondering what on earth is going on here.”
The full list of signatories: Idrees Ahmad, University of Stirling
Dr Christina Alt, University of St Andrews
Dr Colin Andrews, artist and academic
Peter Arnott, writer
Dr Sarah Artt, Edinburgh Napier University
Neal Ascherson, writer and author
Dr Timothy C. Baker, University of Aberdeen
Aly Bain, musician
Sophie Bancroft, musician
Tom Bancroft, musician
Derek Bateman. journalist
Stephen Barket, museum consultant
Katherine Isobel Baxter, University of Northumbria
Victoria Beesley, artistic director
Henry Bell, writer
Francis Bickmore, publisher, Cannongate Books
Professor Ruth Blakeley, University of Kent
Stuart Bowman, actor
Professor Andrew Bowie, Royal Holloway, University of London
Stuart Braithwaite, Mogwai
Dr Emma L Briant, Sheffield University
Alan Bissett, playwright
Cora Bissett, theatre director
Sean Biggerstaff, actor and musician
Ross Bond, University of Edinburgh
Alex Boyd, artist and curator
Alison Balharry, Ex-Senior Editor, BBC World Service
Dr Liz Oakley-Brown, Lancaster University
Dr Julie Brownlie, University of Edinburgh
Professor Judith Buchanan, University of York
Dr Tanja Bueltmann, Northumbria University
Professor Emeritus Frank Bechhofer, University of Edinburgh
Dr Anna Bryson, academic
Professor Douglas Cairns, University of Edinburgh
Professor Marco Catani, King’s College London
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Hide AdProfessor Justin Champion, Royal Holloway, University of London
Maggie Chapman, Rector of the University of Aberdeen
Lyle Chrystie, Director, Reiach and Hall Architects.
Dr Licia Cianetti, Royal Holloway, University of London
Dr Douglas Clark, University of Exeter
Marie Louise Cochrane, storyteller
Stewart Conn, writer
Lucy Conway, arts project manager
Dr Marcello Costantini, University of Essex.
Linda Cracknell, writer
Professor Jonathan Cross, University of Oxford
Mike Cullen, playwright, screenwriter
Dr James Cummings, University of Oxford
Neil Cunning, architect
Justin Currie, singer
Professor Polly Dalton, Royal Holloway, University of London
Dr Callan Davies, University of Roehampton
Alex Davis, academic
Jonathan Dawson, Head of Economics, Schumacher College
Selma Dimitrijevic, playwright
Kris Drever, musician
Justyna Jablonska-Edomonds, cellist
Dr Ann-Marie Einhaus, Northumbria University
Oliver Emanuel, playwright
Dr Clara Eroukhmanoff, Royal Holloway, University of London
Angus Farquhar, Creative Director, NVA
Dr David Farrier, University of Edinburgh
Dr Francesca Ferri, University of Essex
Alec Finlay, artist
Dr Aikaterini Fotopoulou, University College London
Dr Gavin Francis, author and medical practioneer
Andrew Franklin, publisher, Profile Books
Ian Fraser, financial journalist and author
Malcolm Fraser, architect
Chris Fremantle, Gray’s School of Art
Ye Gao, University of Aberdeen
Professor Ian Gadd, Bath Spa University
Professor Yvonne Galligan, academic, Queen’s University Belfast
Dr Peter Geoghegan, writer and journalist
Andrea Gibb, screenwriter
Harry Giles, writer
Professor John Gilles, University of Edinbrgh
Dr Helge Gillmeister, University of Essex
John Glenday, writer
David Gow, editor
Dr Andrew Gordon, University of Aberdeen
Dr Philip Grant, University of Edinburgh
Michael Gray, journalist
David Greig, writer
Martin Green, musician, Lau
Owen Green, musician and academic
James Grimley, architect
Angela Haggerty, editor, CommonSpace
Dr Claire Haggett, University of Edinburgh
Mandy Haggith, writer
Dr Graham Hall, Northumbria University
Professor Sandra Halperin, Royal Holloway, University of London
Gail Halvorsen, architect
Rachel Hamada, journalist
Dr Scott Hames, University of Stirling
Ian Hamilton QC (Scots retd).
Dr Catherine Happer, University of Glasgow
Zinnie Harris, playwright
David Harrower, writer
Dr. Matt Hayler, University of Birmingham
Professor Jonathan Hearn, University of Edinburgh
Dr Tracey Hill, Bath Spa University
Dr Dominic Hinde, writer
Nick Holdstock, novelist
Sue Hollands, teacher
Paul Holleran, National Union of Journalists
Dr Dan van der Horst, University of Edinburgh
Dr Rachel Howell, University of Edinburgh
James Hunter, writer and historian
Kieran Hurley, playwright
Professor Hazel Hutchison, University of Aberdeen
Kirstin Innes, writer
Pete Irvine, author and event organiser
Professor Kathleen Jamie, poet
David Jamieson, journalist
Professor Roger Jeffery, University of Edinburgh
Dr Will Jones, Royal Holloway, University of London
Professor Claire Jowitt, University of East Anglia
Dr Frauke Jürgensen, University of Aberdeen
Pat Kane, musician and writer
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Hide AdProfessor Ahuvia Kahane, Royal Holloway, University of London
Robin Yassin-Kassab, writer
AL Kennedy, writer
(Baroness) Helena Kennedy QC University of Oxford.
Dr James Kennedy, University of Edinburgh
Ann Kenrick OBE, Director, Franco-British Council
Justin Kenrick, anthropologist
Dr Andy Kesson, University of Roehampton
Dr Suk-Jun Kim, University of Aberdeen
Professor Barry Langford, Royal Holloway, University of London
Andy Law, architect
Kirsty Law, musician
Mhairi Law, photographer
Pat Law, artist
Greg Lawson, musician
Ella Leith, researcher
Emma Lennox, writer
Jenny Lindsay, spoken word artist/artistic programmer
Peter Lipman, lawyer
Liz Lochhead, playwright and former Makar, National Poet of Scotland.
Josie Long, comedian
Gerry Loose, poet
Professor James Loxley, University of Edinburgh
Georgina Lucas, Bath Spa University
Dr Scott Lyall, academic
Tom Lyne, musician, composer, producer
(Rev) Peter Macdonald, Leader, The Iona Community
Professor Murdo Macdonald, University of Dundee
Professor John MacInnes, University of Edinburgh.
Dr Peter Mackay, University of St Andrews
Andrew Mackenzie, visual artist
John MacLaverty, filmmaker
Mary Macmaster, musician
Iain Macwhirter, writer and journalist
Giulia Mari, King’s College London
Adrian Martinez, University of Edinburgh
Scott Masser, architect
Naomi McAuliffe, human rights campaigner
Nicola McCartney, playwright
Peter McColl, former Rector of the University of Edinburgh
Aileen McHarg, Professor of Public Law
Professor David McCrone, University of Edinburgh
Rachel McCrum, poet and performer
Lesley McDowell, writer
Mairi McFadyen, academic and cultural activist
Hannah McGill, critic and columnist
Neil McGuire, designer
Lou McLoughlan, director and cinematographer
Dr Nasar Meer, University of Strathclyde
Dr Mitch Miller, artist and illustrator
Denise Mina, writer
Kate Molleson, music journalist
Pàdruig Morrison, community activist
Dr Duncan Morrow, Ulster University and Chairman, Scottish Government Independent Advisory Group on Hate Crime, Prejudice and Community Cohesion
Dr Ealasaid Munro, University of Glasgow
Dr Lucy Munro, King’s College London
Rona Munro, playwright
Dr Emilie K. M. Murphy, University of York
Oisín Murphy-Lawless, Human Rights Postgrad Student.
Dr Catriona Murray, University of Edinburgh
Andrew Scott Murray, musician
Findlay Napier, musician
Professor Catherine Nash, Queen Mary University of London
Jemma Neville, arts charity director, writer
Emeritus Professor Mike Nellis, University of Strathclyde.
Ian Newton, stone carver
Dr Lesley Orr, historian
Dr Clémence O’Connor, University of Aberdeen.
Fintan O”Toole, author and journalist
Aidan O’Rourke, musician and composer
Don Paterson, poet
Dr Yannis Paloyelis, Kings College, London
Alison Peebles, actor and director
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Hide AdChristine Peters, retired headteacher and London Challenge adviser
Dr Catriona Pennell, University of Exeter
Professor Greg Philo, University of Glasgow
Professor Gill Plain, Head of the School of English, University of St Andrews
Karine Polwart, musician and writer
Sonia Ponzo, University of Hertfordshire
Tim Porteus, storyteller and writer
Dr Eoin Price, Lecturer in English Literature, Swansea University
Dr Wayne Price, University of Aberdeen
Dr Christos Proukakis, UCL Institute of Neurology
Dr. Syrithe Pugh, Senior Lecturer, University of Aberdeen
Professor Aaron Quigley, University of St Andrews
Chris Rankin, landscape architect
Professor Narender Ramnani, Royal Holloway, University of London
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Hide AdProfessor Dan Rebellato, Royal Holloway, University of London
Professor Kathy Rastle, Royal Holloway University of London
Paul Reddish, third sector leader
Neil Riddell, journalist
Dr Liliana Riga, University of Edinburgh
Emma Ritch, Executive Director, Engender
James Robertson, writer
Professor Barry Rodger, University of Strathclyde
Dr Johnny Rodger, writer and academic
Kirsty Rolfe, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Michael Rosie, University of Edinburgh
Dr William Rossiter, University of East Anglia
Dr Julie Scanlon, Northumbria University
Professor Philip Schlesinger, University of Glasgow
Dave Scott, equalities campaigner
Adrian Searle, publisher, Freight Books
Dr Niklas Serning, University of the West of England
Donald Shaw, musician and composer
Professor Jo Shaw, University of Edinburgh
Christopher Silver, writer
Francesco Sindico, Reader in International Environmental Law, University of Strathclyde
Dr. Miroslav Sirota, University of Essex
Amble Skuse, composer and artist
Antonia D’Souza, University of Essex
Ali Smith, author
Professor Barry C Smith, University of London
Professor David J. Smith, University of Aberdeen
Dr Helen Smith, University of York
Dr Katherine Smith, University of Edinburgh
Regius Professor Jonathan Spencer, University of Edinburgh
Dr Catherine Spooner, Lancaster University
Professor Matthew Steggle, Sheffield Hallam University
Andy Stentiford, Creative Director, Funktioncreep
Dr Igor Stiks, University of Edinburgh
Professor Pete Stollery, University of Aberdeen
Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge, University of East Anglia
Professor William Storrar, theologian, Princeton University
Dr Steve Sturdy, University of Edinburgh
Andy Summers, architect
Jim Sutherland, musician/composer
Malachy Tallack, writer
Preti Taneja, Research Fellow in culture and human rights
Professor Digby Tantam, Deputy Principal, NSPC
Dr Will Tattersdill, University of Birmingham
Nicky Thomson, architect
Dr Tara Thomson, Edinburgh Napier University
AJ Taudevin, playwright
Dr Julie Taylor, Northumbria University
Simon Thacker, musician, composer and educator
Dr Andrew Tickell, law lecturer and writer
Professor Manos Tsakiris, Royal Holloway & The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study
Helen Tugendhat, human rights worker
Jean Urquhart, The Ceilidh Place
Dr Saskia Vermeylen, Strathclyde University
Dr Elia Valentini, University of Essex
Dr Sara Patricia Wasson, Lancaster University
Stephen Watkins, University of Southampton
Moira Weitzen, architect
Professor Gary West, University of Edinburgh
Professor Nathan Widder, Royal Holloway, University of London
Sharon Wiener-Ogilvie, academic
Professor Arnold Wilkins, University of Essex
Dr Eley Williams, Royal Holloway, University of London
Nik Williams, free speech campaigner
Professor Richard J. Williams, University of Edinburgh
Glanville Einstein Williams, academic
Kevin Williamson, writer
Richard Wilson, production manager
Ryan Van Winkle, poet
Howard Wollman, University of Edinburgh
Professor, Charles W.J. Withers, University of Edinburgh
Chris Wright, ethnologist
Dr Rebecca Zahn, University of Strathclyde
Hailey Zislis, University of Edinburgh