Zoo no place for primates

It is of great concern to learn that even more primates are to be imprisoned in Edinburgh Zoo, especially as this appears to be aided by public money (your report, 10 November).

The best way to study natural primate behaviour is to observe it in the wild. An artificial enclosure, however "realistic" it aims to be, can be no substitute for natural, wild habitat where the animals are able to roam territories freely in family groups of their choosing. There is no way that Edinburgh Zoo can remotely create this environment, 1.6 million or otherwise.

Non-human primates are highly intelligent animals with complex behavioural and social needs. Surely they deserve respect, not exploitation.

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They belong in the wild, not behind bars or glass in a zoo.

We believe it is morally wrong to keep these magnificent creatures captive in unnatural conditions for human curiosity and entertainment.


Director, Advocates for Animals

Queensferry Street


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