Winner takes all?

Prematurely, Michael Kelly gives the game away (Perspective, 8 August). Forget the half-promise of extra powers. If the Yes side loses the referendum, they are “Losers” and Losers must be punished. Therefore, the post-No vote agenda should be to kick-start the abolition of our devolved parliament.

Michael Kelly wants to return to the pre-devolution years when our sole protection was a Tory governor-general appointed by Thatcher and accountable only to her. Presumably, he disapproves of all the universal benefits and green policies which – in defiance of the UK government – our Scottish Parliament has brought us under both SNP and Liberal/
Labour administrations. How did a Labour politician get to be so right-wing?

Then he lays claim to republican beliefs and asserts that a republic is achievable on a pan-UK basis. No-one could believe he is serious here. Surely disingenuousness should be more subtle?


Circus Drive


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