Why teenage tantrums take their toll 24/7

MOODY, morose and monosyllabic: such and more characterise today's teenager. While such features may be said to have afflicted teenagers of all generations, the grumpiness has intensified in recent years. For this, thank "night owl" activities, from computer games to all-night TV, twittering and text messaging.

One of the biggest social changes has been the arrival of the 24/7 age. Don't be surprised when teenagers take advantage of the wee small hours and "time shift" their sleep to school lessons. Little wonder schoolchildren in Glasgow are now being given lessons in how to sleep at night in an attempt to put some sparkle into their morning conversation and performance into their classroom work.

But such is the trend towards ever more of our waking hours spent in front of computer and TV screens, it is not just moody teenagers that result. Another is the trend towards so-called lazy foods, with shoppers spending more on pre-prepared products. Consumers spend an average 63 a year on food that is ready-grated, sliced or chopped – up 14 per cent over the past 12 months.

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Perhaps the parents are too exhausted coping with their morose offspring to eat as once they did. Alternatively, why need they endure long breakfasts when pre-sliced grapefruit and pre-boiled egg can speed through the silences that pass for conversation?

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