What kind of voter are you?

POLITICALLY COMMITTED (10% of British public)

You believe it is your duty to vote, and you let people know it. You dislike the way the media reports politics. You trust politicians and you would be proud if your child became an MP. You are almost certainly middle class and white. You would never be seen dead reading a tabloid.


You, too, will be certain to vote. You know where you stand on political causes, although you haven't gone as far as working with a party. Instead, you keep up-to-date with all the issues in and around politics and make sure your views are known in the wider world. You, too, are middle class, although some of you may have read the Daily Record.


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You believe in the duty to have your say in an election; after all, that's the only way you have the right to complain. But you restrict airing those views to your family and your close friends. You are probably middle-aged. You'd do more, but you don't trust politicians that much.


You'll probably be voting, you grudgingly admit politics is important, but you don't want your child to become an MP. You are probably retired and you have few formal education qualifications. You don't mind which paper you read, so long as its not a boring quality one.


You may or may not be voting at the election. You'll see. You're happy with things generally: MPs do a good job, the parliament works well – the government knows what it's doing; why not just let them get on with it? You are irredeemably middle class.


You believe it is your duty to vote, but, come polling day, you end up forgetting to do so. Your good intentions are rarely carried out in practice; civic life is important, you admit, but somehow you never end up getting involved. You haven't had one discussion about politics in the last year. You think politics is boring – when you pick up your copy of the Daily Mail, you skip the dull stuff.


You might be voting, but you don't feel any particular duty to vote. The bottom line is that you feel thoroughly brassed off with the bunch of money-grabbing sods who want your vote – not that you know who your local MP is. You read the Sun or the Star or the Metro on the bus. When you can be bothered.


You're not voting, period. I mean, what's the point? The system, politics, politicians – they're all pants. Politicians are sleazy and corrupt. But it's not just politics that turns you off, so does pretty much everything. It's not that you don't care, more that you are actively hostile to the way things are going.

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