Waugh stories

Harry Watson’s letter (24 June) correcting the mistaken belief that Nelson, rather than Hardy, captained HMS Victory at Trafalgar brings to mind a 
re-run of the famous death scene.

That much-loved satirist, the late Auberon Waugh, was 
almost killed when he was hit in the chest by half a dozen bullets in an accident during his national service.

Annoyed when his machine gun jammed, Waugh had seized the end of the barrel and shook it – which unsurprisingly freed the mechanism, which then 
proceeded to fire.

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As they waited for an ambulance, his platoon sergeant bent down to see if he was still breathing, whereupon Waugh whispered the immortal words: “Kiss me, Chudleigh.”

Sergeant Chudleigh – who was not a man of letters – failed to recognise the Nelsonian 
allusion with the result that from then on he treated Waugh with “extreme caution”.

(Dr) John Cameron

St Andrews