Watershed worry

There are two well known sayings I am aware of: if you can, leave the world a better place than when you found it; and if it saves one life it will be well worth it. Families affected by murder always say that their lives have been ruined and will never be the same again.

Yet, it seems that much of the entertainment industry is based on murder – with a constant stream of sensationalised television documentaries about murder – all in America, which has a worryingly high murder rate.

These programme’s must have an influence on vulnerable people, and I am sure there will be an increase in murders in our country if they continue to be shown here.

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Good family life is the core to us having a good society. Families with children can’t sit down together without being embarrassed by warnings of films that contain extreme violence, bad language and sexual content.

The watershed should be moved to 10pm for the sake of our young children. We need a political party to take a stand on this very serious subject.

John Connor