Wards of state

I share the concern expressed in the letters page (21 February) on the Children and Young People’s Bill.

One aspect which has not received attention is the record of public agencies in this field to the present time.

The state has proven a suspect custodian of children and young people and the latest proposals do not inspire confidence.

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Was it not the case that during those tragedies, where children suffered at the hands of their parents, the families were known to agencies and, indeed, were in many cases receiving support from them?

How, then, can further eroding the responsibilities of parents and diluting resources across the population ensure better outcomes for children?

It is easy to foresee that as 
experience of this legislation 
develops further intrusion will be called for and justified by vested interests pointing the way to children effectively
being the property of the state and the role of parents 

Douglas Robin

Rannoch Road
