Waging politics

It’s good to see a European Union spokesman coming out publicly and saying what we all know – that there 
is no reason for the Scottish 
Government not to introduce the living wage into the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Bill that is 
currently passing through Parliament (your report, 29 April).

Procurement contracts by some of the biggest councils in England, including London, already stipulate that suppliers must pay the living wage.

While the Scottish Government hides behind unseen legal advice from some other part of the EU, thousands of people across Scotland are denied a 
decent income, unable to work their way out of poverty.

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At Stage 2 of the bill the 
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) supported a range of amendments aimed at strengthening community benefit and sustainability issues, and strongly supported the amendment calling for the introduction of a living wage – none of 
which were accepted by the 

This may suit politically, but playing politics with people’s livelihoods is hardly the sign of a caring government.

If the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, can do it, why can’t we in 

John Downie


Mansfield Place
