University fees set by tribal boundaries

PHIL Shiner, the leading British human-rights lawyer, is to challenge this latest attempt by Alex Salmond and Edinburgh University to drive London mayor Boris Johnson and his ilk bonkers.

Shiner quoted a former Education Secretary who said: “Discrimination on the basis of nationality is unacceptable and it is high time the government stopped defending the indefensible. Such discrimination is not only wrong in principle; it also damages the reputation of Scotland’s higher education system and undermines the Scottish four-year degree.”

And who was the former education secretary?

Why none other than the all-singing, all-dancing Nicola Sturgeon, Deputy First Minister of Scotland and SNP secretary for just about everything.

(Dr) John Cameron

Howard Place

St Andrews

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THE bottom line of nationalism has always been hatred of others. No matter the “civic”’ nationalist spin, or the other meaningless phrases issued as the party line, in the end it always comes down to a me-first, tribal approach to running the country. Pity those who do not belong. This is exemplified in your report (“Edinburgh to charge [English] £36,000 for degree…”, 6 September).

Clearly the Scottish Nationalists, feeling much braver now they have gained power at Holyrood (albeit with 80 per cent of the electorate failing to vote for them), consider it is time to let the long and most carefully concealed anti-UK genie out the bottle.

Paranoia and the SNP have been inseparable since the party’s inception. Now it is considered the right time to allow retribution for the imagined slights of the past.

Alexander McKay

New Cut Rigg


I HAVE two grandchildren, domiciled in Yorkshire, the products of a mixed marriage – Scottish mother, English father. Should they expect a 50 per cent discount in fees if they come to a certain Scottish varsity?

George Cooper

Westgate Leslie