Trial and error

If the same qualities of "common sense, decency and humanity" which Mr Justice Bean found in the Kay Gilderdale trial jury had been shared by the Crown Prosecution Service, when considering whether to prosecute this case, their services would not have been needed.

Kay Gilderdale did not "walk free" from court (Jury's 'decency' hailed as mother walks free after helping her ME daughter die, 26 January); she was found not guilty of a charge of attempted murder which, it now emerges, only the CPS thought in the public interest to bring before a jury, despite being urged by judges not to proceed and members of the public writing to the Director of Public Prosecutions asking him to drop the case.

There is a huge difference. Kay will never be "free". She and Lynn had a life sentence imposed on them the day Lynn became ill.


ME Free For

North Street, Downend
