Tory weakness

Brian Monteith (Opinion, 31 March) has hit the nail on the head about the Conservative Party's lack of morale courage, but it goes far beyond taxation.

The Conservatives have leadership in name only. Scared by the question of Europe, David Cameron has forbidden debate on the subject within the party, and put the pro-European Kenneth Clarke back on the front bench, even though 62 per cent of party members would like the UK to leave the European Union.

Mr Cameron is scared of committing himself to any policy. It was not his fault he was outflanked on the question of a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, but he wants to limit immigration, which is out of our hands so long as we remain a member of the EU, so he should offer a referendum on whether we remain a member.

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Flat rate income tax and raising the retirement pension so that fewer people had to apply for supplementary benefits would be less expensive in the end, not least because of the massive savings in administration, which is, of course, why no senior official would ever advocate such a policy.



South Queensferry