Tory pulse

The next leader of the Scottish Conservatives will be the leader of the whole party, not just its MSPs. With the declared support of a large number of councillors, candidates, donors and our MEP Struan Stevenson, Murdo Fraser is undoubtedly best placed to unite and lead our party.

However, support among the MSP group is also crucial. Our MSPs are the standard bearers of our party; they are its face and voice on the national stage of the parliament, and we know from the SNP’s success in May how important it is to perform strongly both individually and as a team on that stage.

Murdo has overwhelming support among MSPs. More MSPs back him than all the other candidates put together. A successful leader must be able to inspire and motivate others to back and follow him. Murdo has demonstrated that he has these qualities.

David McLetchie

​Keith Crescent


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The Scottish Conservatives are enjoying their Lazarus moment. Those who claimed they were dead and buried must surely now agree that the effervescent leadership election campaign has seen the Scottish Tories spring back to life. There are three principal reasons for this. First, though the body might have been weak, the heart of our party – its 9,000 members and activists – remains sound.

Second, Murdo Fraser’s audacious proposal to voluntarily switch off the life support machine and let the party fizzle out has, ironically, made the pulse beat a little faster.

Third has been the injection of adrenaline provided by Ruth Davidson’s refreshingly positive campaign. Of all four candidates, her insightful diagnosis of the patient’s ills and her prescription of genuine generational change has brought fresh colour to the party’s cheeks and the promise at last of a healthy recovery.

Ronnie Dewar

Bridge of Earn
