Threat to golden eagles

The Scottish Gamekeepers Association is appalled at the indiscriminate poisoning of the iconic emblem of Scotland. Golden eagles are no threat to grouse stocks, and, indeed, may be an asset, as they feed on other predators such as foxes.

However, we are concerned at the misleading statement from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, designed to panic the public and claim the moral high ground.

The death of one golden eagle will not threaten the entire Scottish breeding population. The RSPB is aware that 60 golden eagles have been removed from Scotland and reintroduced into Ireland where their chances are slim.

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Wind turbines are a known danger to eagles, yet the RSPB has failed to object to many which are potential hazards to eagles and to other rare birds.

Blaming a gamekeeper for this incident is very easy, but it has to be recognised that anyone trying to protect stock or crops could be responsible.

Whoever is responsible, we hope he is caught and punished, but it would be a change if the emotional hype and scaremongering are removed from reports on wildlife crime.

BERT BURNETT, Committee member, SGA, Pearsie, Angus

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