Thank you, please

As the barriers come down on the streets of Edinburgh and the last cone is rolled away, would it not be a fitting gesture if City of Edinburgh transport convener Lesley Hinds were to offer, on behalf of the council, a heartfelt “thank you” to the residents of the city for the remarkable patience with which they have endured so many weary years of inconvenience and delay?

Would it not be equally appropriate if the parties which imposed the tramway scheme on those residents, despite unanimous opposition, were to offer a collective apology for a system which is severely truncated and grossly over budget – half the miles for double the money?

Archie Davidson


What kind of alarm system will the trams have to alert people who might be in danger of being run over by them?

It’s going to take a while for people to get used to having them around. I hope there will be a loud bell.

Emily Wood
