Tax incentive for independence

IAN O Bayne (Letters, 19 August) is the nearest any Scottish Nationalist has come to offering me an enticing prospect for independence, namely that none of his party’s ideas on tax will ever be implemented. Better still, a Labour-led coalition could no doubt be in power from time to time.

We have all spent most of the last century hearing Nationalists yearning to break away. Then, when at last it gets through to them that the majority of us just do not want that, their leader starts reassuring us that nothing much will really change and we can all still be British. Then seeing that isn’t working, he tries to ensure he at least gets Devo Max on the ballot paper, or Indy Lite as it has been described.

Now, Mr Bayne, a leading Nationalist, reassures us ­further: in the event of the “Yes” vote winning, the Nationalists may not rule Scotland forever. I never thought they would. But I am amused at the thought of a Nationalist canvasser saying on the doorstep, “Don’t worry, we wouldn’t be in power all the time.”

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The more the SNP wriggles, the more people will ask what’s the point of all the upheaval. Meanwhile, I look, forward to the coalition collapsing, Labour winning the next General Election, and implementing policies to get the economy moving again, and not in Scotland alone.

Maria Fyfe, Glasgow

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