Talk of the Town: Who's bin messing about with stickers?

THE news of a woman in Coventry who was filmed putting a cat into a wheelie bin has interested and disgusted people across the country.

Within days of the story breaking, wheelie bins across Marchmont and Sciennes were emblazoned with "no cats".

It seems this isn't a new council animal safety drive, though - it's just a witty commentary on the story by a local wag who goes by the name of "R".

At least their imagination is getting some exercise

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EDINBURGH men are clearly kidding themselves when it comes to regular exercise.

A recent survey asked local males why they didn't partake in more fitness activities. The excuse - the summer heat, with a quarter of those asked blaming soaring temperatures for neglecting the gym or outdoor exercise.

Despite another mediocre summer in the Capital, 23 per cent told the researchers their "fitness regime had gone out the window" as they attempted to accept months of overcast, rainy days.

It didn't stop the average Edinburgh bloke drinking 74 pints of beer over summer months.

Digging a little deeper

THE discovery of potentially massive oil reserves in Greenland has provoked a furious backlash against Edinburgh's Cairn Energy.

It seems protesters will stop at nothing to undermine the company - even going as far as posing as staff.

A recent e-mail received by the News, and purporting to be from the company, made the staggering claim that Cairn was set to withdraw from Greenland in the wake of the protests.

Such an abrupt and expensive change of heart seemed out of place, and sure enough a quick call to the company revealed it had no such intentions, although really the wording should have given it away, after all, what self-respecting business would declare that "profitability is rapidly being seen as secondary to ensuring a survivable future for humanity"?