Stop this rip-off

With regard to the BBC's Panorama programme "Wills - The Final Rip Off?" which aired on Monday, I find it shocking that certain "private will writing" companies have managed to get away with so many despicable crimes - in essence, denying scores of people their dying wish.

The Scottish Government is certainly making the right moves to protect people and their assets.

Writing a will is something that is vitally important; not something that should be put off until "tomorrow" and not something you can afford to scrimp on and just go for the cheapest deal. If it looks too good to be true, then it probably is.

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By using a reputable firm, you may pay a little more in the short term but will receive the best advice for your will and related issues and, most importantly, you are protected.

I can only hope that in Scotland, the new legislation will save people from this heartache, and that, across the UK, something can be done to crack down on this industry.


Pagan Osborne

Queen Street, Edinburgh