Spoke in the eye

I would like to encourage Scotrail to adopt a realistic cycle policy that does not unfairly ostracise cyclists.

Last week, I ended up with a 26-hour wait to board a train after a jobsworthy train guard rigidly applied Scotrail's cycle policy without using any human decency or common sense.

There was clearly sufficient space on the train for me and my bike. As a visitor from New Zealand committed to cycling and sustainable transport, this policy is grossly unfair, not to mention potentially dangerous.

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It is not always possible to reserve a cycle space by phone as mobile signal coverage is patchy in areas of the Highlands. Last Wednesday, I was (just) outside the two-hour deadline for booking a cycle on the next service from Aviemore, but the station attendant advised I could board at the guard's discretion if space was available.

When the train arrived there were no cycles in the cycle area, but the guard glared at me and said I could not board without a cycle reservation. She did not ask where I was travelling to, so it was obviously not the case that any cycles reserved for later down the line were limiting space.

So, I have a few questions for Scotrail before I continue exploring this beautiful country by bike: Why is there a two hour cycle reservation deadline? If it is not possible to make a cycle reservation, why aren't cycles allowed on board if there is enough space on the train for the duration of one's trip?

Why can't cycles be parked in other areas of the train where there is sufficient space?


Pitt Street