Scottish slavery

David Stevenson (Letters, 30 March) clearly thinks that the Scots didn't have the wit to have slaves of their own before union with England in 1707, since he wishes to stimulate "comment on the extent to which Scotland's association with the slave trade arose from the Union".

In fact, by the early 17th century, a situation in which slavery was unusual in Scotland was soon remedied by miners being made slaves in many, though not in all, cases, and with their entire family effectively owned as chattels.

Many Scots were sent overseas in the 18th century as "indentured labour", essentially as slaves for a contract period, often to the West Indies where they either remained or died.

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Moreover, the last "slaves", or serfs, in Britain were Scottish miners, some of whom who were not freed until the very end of the 18th century. Being traded was not the worst part. The mere fact that you could be owned by another human being was the disgrace of it.


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