Scotsman Archive: National master plan for coal 13 March, 1950

WHEN the master plan for coal development in Britain is published by the National Coal Board – it is expected in a few weeks – it will be seen that the section dealing with the Scottish Division varies in important respects from the proposals on which Sir Frank Mears based his recommendations in his planning report for South-East and Central Scotland four years ago.

Sir Frank was working on information given to him by the private mineowners but following nationalisation and the drawing up of balancing schemes for Britain as a whole, certain changes have been made which suggest that the Mears Report is already substantially out of date.

The NCB officials point out that the private coalowners were not in a position to view the development of the mines on a national scale. One of the first major tasks of the board's divisional experts was the drafting of development plans for their respective areas, and these are being co-ordinated into the master plan.