Scotsman Archive


MR THOMAS Johnston, chairman of the Scottish Tourist Board, speaking in Inverness yesterday said the board had been considering the new Catering Wages Act. It was really impossible, he said, to run an industry on the basis that conditions which applied at the Dorchester and the Savoy could also apply at some hotels in isolated areas of rural Scotland. "I am not talking about wages, but about hours, for I do believe there are areas in Scotland where it is almost impossible to find duplicate staffs to allow the existing staffs off on holiday at the precise times scheduled in the Act. " Captain Mackenzie, Fort William, feared that, along with petrol rationing and various shortages, it would mean extermination for the smaller Highland hotels. Mr Roger Orr, chairman of the Tourist Association of Scotland, said the petrol situation was the chief factor. The board was urging a "special allowance" of petrol for journeys beyond the Great Glen.

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