Sad mockery

I DOUBT that many readers were impressed by Hugh Reilly’s intolerant comparison of Christianity with the tooth fairy and the Tufty Club (Perspective, 23 July).

Nor will many readers be fooled by his suggestion that churches have no adherents in Scotland – they have hundreds of thousands of members. Scotland is still a country of Christian culture and long may it remain so.

Mr Reilly was a teacher – if his intolerance is typical of what pupils are taught by secularist teachers then no wonder Christianity gets short shift by some who pass through modern education and this is all the more cause for worry if Christianity is left to secular- oriented teachers in future.

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European thinkers from Bonhoeffer to Weil, and Scottish heroes and heroines from Eric Liddell to Jane Haining, would probably be surprised if they were still around to read Mr Reilly’s mockeries of Christianity. But most readers will be saddened by such ill-informed dismissals of (in his words) a “Semite curing lepers”.

gus logan

York Road

North Berwick, East Lothian