Renewable waste

DESPITE all the evidence of the hideously expensive inefficacy of the switch to renewables, UK and Scottish politicians maintain the stated aims of replacing fossil fuel-based energy generation, intending to cut carbon dioxide emissions.

In their doomed and wasteful endeavours, they are loyally supported by organisations such as WWF and Friends of the Earth (Letters, 14 September) and often by Greenpeace and even the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

Your front-page article (13 September) outlines some salient deficiencies in these green and electricity generation policies, but those in charge, both of our political affairs and of setting the aims of environmentalist pressure groups, persist, despite all the evidence accumulated to the contrary.

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We voters, who must pay the costs, must ask hard questions about the justification for these policies, and, like donors to these “charities”, must wonder why public money is being thrown down the drain, when other nations are drastically re-appraising such futile expenditures.

(Dr) Charles Wardrop

Viewlands Road West


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