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The council's trams watchdog comes under fire as do parents protesting at education cuts and thieves' tastebuds

What about our silence of the trams story then? The council's tram watchdog committee only met twice last year and asked just five questions. Tsk tsk.

This just proves what many of us on these threads have been saying for a long, long time – our idiot cooncillors are terrified of TIE, hiding behind the settee, fingers in ears going "Lalala". As the elected imbeciles are abdicating their responsibility, the entire shambles should be suspended immediately, and referred for detailed scrutiny by Audit Scotland.

Thomas the Tank, Edinburgh

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These people have done a major disservice to public transport, severely damaged Lothian Buses and ruined Edinburgh Council's finances. It is hard to imagine how this misguided project could have been managed any worse.

more sorrow than anger, Edinburgh

There really isn't any point in having too many meetings about it. It would be like the NHS, meetings about having meetings about meetings. Nothing would be achieved. We've dug the holes, let's get it finished.


It does look like CEC is actually scared to properly scrutinise this project so they can absolve themselves of blame for its inevitable failure.


Someone needs to take Steve Cardownie aside and explain that his party are in power and his party are in overall control of TIE.


We need to appoint watchdogs to watch the tram watchdogs.

reincarnated, Edinburgh

Exactly, who watches the watchers? And who watches the parents protesting against plans to cut school budgets. You lot do . . .

And these parents are aware that millions are losing their jobs in the middle of the worst recession to hit since the 20s? Tax revenues are massively down and cuts have to be made everywhere!

Big T

Too many school places and too many selfish parents demanding that they don't close the schools closest to them. People without kids support them that do enough without pandering to their emotional attachments to old tired half-empty buildings.


The budget is not being cut by exactly a king's ransom, there are cuts everywhere so stop moaning.

The Real Alfonsa Pedrosa, edinburgh

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Why does everyone start carping on about "selfish parents" when slashed budgets will harm front line education? We are all somebody's child and the economic future of our country depends on how the children turn out.

escape from spam valley, Edinburgh

Finally, thieves took a ladder to dismantle The White Horse pub's burglar alarm before making off with drink and a cancer charity collection.

They went to all that bother and then nicked Famous Grouse? Neither morals nor taste buds . . .

Louis Catorze

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