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What's in a name for Napier University, new city skate park set to be rolled out and Johnny Depp goes egg-stra mile

Adding "Edinburgh" to its name has cost Napier University 240,000.

Napier will have a nerve to ever complain about not getting enough funding, they clearly had enough funding to fritter it away on something like adding a name to its title! Before getting new money universities need to be looking at whether the money they have is being best used.

Chirpy Council Worker

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How many students could have studied for a degree with that money?


You can call Napier University Edinburgh Napier University, but sadly no matter what they change their name to it will never be as good as Edinburgh University, try as they might.

Thinner Bob 79

Here's an example of the SNP government handing out money to these places like confetti. Mr Swinney, rather than complain of "cuts", needs to enforce stricter control over money given to universities and the like and give them a sharp reminder that it is public money they're throwing away. Unfortunately he doesn't seem the type of man able to do that.


Rebranding. Now there's a business to be in. Does anyone have an awkward or embarrassing name and would like me to think up a new cool flashy one for them? My fees are reasonable.

The Lone Haranguer

Why did they even bother? Napier College – Napier Polytechnic – Napier University – Edinburgh Napier University. Everyone just calls it Napier, anyway.

Finbarr Saunders

No problem, they can either take on an extra few overseas students or shed some staff.

Ron D

How much did changing Edinburgh council's logo cost? A bit more than 240K.

Unimpressed one

All the new students Napier attracts can soon enjoy a skate park at Saughton. Or am I stereotyping?

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Plenty room for under-age drinking, drug-taking and probably some nookie too. Look closely you might see someone skateboarding.


I remember signing petitions for a skatepark in Edinburgh about 15 years ago and it's only just getting done now. It's stupid, snobby, idiotic Edinburgh residents that have caused it to take so long.

Betty Swallock

The skate park will vastly increase the number of people in the area. There is no on site management presence, there are no toilet facilities, "security" is provided by CCTV cameras. I am also concerned that the skaters will become a target for thieves, thugs and low-lives who will see such a gathering spot as a great place to nick stuff, fight, or cause damage for a laugh.


This is great news for those enthusiasts who've been desperate for the facilities they've been waiting so long for. Not all of today's youth are bad.


Finally, Johnny Depp is one of a host of celebrities donating a decorated egg to raise cash for the Royal Blind School.

Cue rotten egg yokes and eggscruciating puns...

The Lone Haranguer

You mean about shelling out for one? I'm too chicken to do that.


More nonsense to help boost Johnny Depp's inflated Eggo . . .

Mince Pie Abendmahl

Leave it to the egg-sperts.