Positive thinking

The Newsnight Scotland debate between the four candidates for the Scottish Conservative leadership was interesting for a number of reasons, not least because it proved those who claim the party is dead and buried are utterly wrong.

But the most revealing aspect was the reaction of each contender when asked about the SNP’s independence campaign. From Murdo Fraser, Jackson Carlaw and Margaret Mitchell we got the familiar volley of promises to defend the Union from the insurgent separatist threat.

How refreshing to hear Ruth Davidson say her priority was to “talk up the Union” and make a positive case for it rather than always being on the defensive. This is what has been lacking in all of the unionist parties’ strategies.

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It certainly gives me heart that Ms Davidson is not only unafraid to stand up and say she is proud to be a Scottish Conservative but that she is also proud to be British and proud of the Union.

I am certain there are hundreds of thousands of people in Scotland – young and old – who feel the same. If Ms Davidson can harness that power, Alex Salmond may find his march to separatism is halted rather sooner than he thinks.

Rob Murray

Belvedere Plantation

Galston, Ayrshire