Polling day insult, duty and anti-climax

So it's all over, bar the shouting.

Here in the Falkirk constituency, David Cameron's words: "We're fighting incredibly hard for every vote in every seat," have almost as hollow a ring as Nick Clegg's insistence that a vote for his party is a vote for change for good. Clegg's party never got around to telling me the name of its candidate, neither did Ukip.

Cameron's nominee said she would "campaign for reliable, user-friendly facilities for rail users at train stations across Falkirk". That'll solve the economic crisis! And Gordon Brown's supporter told me: "We will continue to protect mortgages and savings, while maintaining investment in the … " and that's where the promise ends.

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I had to wait until seeing my ballot paper to learn that only one of the five candidates actually gives a residential address in the constituency which they hope to represent and, indeed, to learn the names of two of them.


Erskine Hill


I have just returned from a polling place, where I exercised my right to vote for the person I wish to be my MP. Not to do so would, in my opinion, mean my forfeiting the right to criticise Westminster, should the need arise. I am also mindful of the debt I owe to those who struggled and made sacrifices – indeed, gave their lives – so that I might enjoy this right, which is not a privilege but a duty.




If the MPs had worked as hard in parliament as they have been doing to save their jobs, perhaps we would not have had a recession. The country seems to run quite well during the last month without politicians. Is it because the Westminster civil servants actually run the country?



Conversations in the media – and in my own life – have been so congested with election talk over the past few weeks. so I found it odd when I went to vote. It was almost eerily empty. Even the party goons were absent from the outside. It felt like a real anti-climax, as if everyone had given up.


Marionville Road
