Political fallout

When the volcano of Iceland erupted and spewed forth its ash (your reports), people all over the world were left feeling vulnerable, displaced, far from their homes, family, friends and work colleagues, far from all the security they had known. It was another disaster for Iceland and caused great damage to the wealth of airline companies.

There is another volcano erupting in our midst which is less talked about, however. This is the policy of councils (and all of the parties who will potentially form the next government) to make cuts in public services that will have an impact on the most vulnerable people among us.

In Midlothian, for example, resource centres for the disabled are being closed or are under threat of closure. The John Chant centre in Penicuik is being closed now, even before the further spending cuts that will be implemented by the next party in power.

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With cuts in public spending (rather than cuts in subsidy to banks) being the priority of the next government, carers can only fear the worst.

The travellers and airlines affected by the volcano are trying to claim compensation for what they have suffered. Who is going to compensate and look after those affected by the closure of John Chant and similar centres?


Station Road

Roslin, Midlothian