Points Of View

Productivity: Now that it has been established public sector pay rises have to be paid for by increased productivity, is it not time to revive the scheme to reduce the number of MSPs, as was originally planned? This excellent idea seems to have been quietly dropped in the run-up to the elections. That, plus an increase in weeks worked per year from the present cushy 36 to a more realistic 47, would go some way towards paying for MSPs’ last massive pay rise.


Feast: As usual in November, newspaper articles bewail the fact that very little recognition is made in Scotland of the feast of our patron saint. However, for some years now St Andrews has not only celebrated 30 November itself, but has expanded its festival to nearly a week of events, including a St Andrew’s Day address, etc.

Yet, this appears to be wilfully ignored by the press.

(Cllr) Jane Ann Liston ST ANDREWS

Princess: Surely, the Princess Royal could have saved herself and the House of Windsor from the indignity of a criminal conviction by simply telling her mother that she wasn’t guilty. The Queen could have then passed this information to the judiciary in the established manner, the case would have collapsed, and the Royal Family would have avoided unnecessary embarrassment.

Scott Rorison DUMBARTON

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Bombing: I was interested to read your report of a German view on the British bombing of German cities (22 November). Before Britain even had the capability to conduct serious bombing of German cities, Germany conducted a serious bombing campaign on London and other British cities and targets. The Germans didn’t seem to be concerned about bombing British civilians.

(Dr) Gregory Warren HOUSTON, TEXAS

Hazard: Many drivers are so safety-conscious that they drive with fog-lights on, day and night in clear weather. This is dangerous and illegal. Even in daylight, fog-lights can dazzle, and it is worse at night, blinding oncoming drivers.


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