Party poopers

YOUR reports on the success of our annual Hogmanay party (2 January) say it raked in £30 million for Scotland this year. Could someone please explain who, or what organisations, are the principal beneficiaries? If £30m has been raked in, would the net gainers care to put their hands in their pockets and pay the £6000,000 of unpaid debt generated by the Homecoming events, rather than sponge again off the poor local taxpayer? No, I thought not.

The net beneficiaries of Hogmanay will be exactly the same fat cats, companies and organisations that benefited most from the Homecoming, and then walked away with the profits, leaving Edinburgh or the rest of Scotland with the bill.

And while on the subject of Hogmanay, did anyone hear the bells in Edinburgh this year? I was on North Bridge with the rejoicing masses, and I didn't. Having institutionalised our genuine gathering of thousands at the Tron each year, and charging us for walking the streets of our city at New Year, have they now silenced the bells?


Calton Road


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