No voter myth

Douglas Turner (Letters, 24 September) says that Scotland is “a laughing stock” as the first country to reject independence.

I would be interested to see where he gathered this opinion from as most European countries admired the stance taken by the Scottish people to remain part of Britain.

As to his disgraceful ageist comments about the elderly in Edinburgh the less said the better. Perhaps he should also reflect on the fact that 52 per cent of the 18-24-year-old age group voted No.

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He also picks on Edinburgh, accusing us of voting with our wallet and purse, while he does not reflect on the fact that support for the No vote was spread throughout Scotland.

He is right, of course, that Gordon Brown almost led us into economic oblivion and it was for this reason the people of Scotland were not going to be caught out again by someone who promised unfunded, debt-laden spending and a nirvana just over the horizon.

The people of Scotland voted No because that they cared about the future and they took an enlightened decision not only for themselves but also for the poor, frail unemployed and disabled of Scotland.

Alan Black

Camus Avenue


Douglas Turner perpetuates the myth that Yes voters are good and No voters are bad, with only Yes voters caring about the poor and disabled. Tosh.

I voted No precisely because the risk to the poorest in society was too great, with the threat of higher food and fuel costs, higher inflation and higher interest rates.

The Yes campaign cynically failed to tell the voters, and especially the poor, of the inconvenient economic truths of independence and just pretended it would just be about increased benefits and no increased costs.

Neil Sinclair

Clarence Street


“Edinburgh (has) surrendered its right to be considered the pre-eminent enlightened city of Scotland,” pontificates Mr Douglas Turner, following the decisive rejection by Scotland and its capital of separation.

It was that Enlightenment sage, David Hume, who observed: “When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities.”

Duncan McAra

Beresford Gardens
