No Scots republic

For some weeks I have had letters telling me to vote Yes for the benefit of Scotland’s future and prosperity. Equally, there have been letters telling me to vote No for the future and prosperity of Scotland. Therefore, I have to draw my own conclusions and it is this:

First, the Republic of Southern Ireland was a very poor country – if people lived near the border they did their shopping in Northern Ireland. They joined the European Union and ­became better off.

Second, Norway is a very small country with rich oil reserves, but the cost of living is very high, and their taxes are high. It is the most expensive place to visit.

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Third, Trident has given jobs to people in the area and if it were moved to England we would still be in danger of a missile attack and radiation fall-out. It would be a bad thing to lose it and a good thing to have a ­nuclear deterrent.

Fourth, I like the monarchy. It gives us a special status in the world that no other country has.

Fifth, Scotland alone would have no influence in world ­affairs. It would have no say at all.

Sixth, the Republic of Scotland – never.

VMW Finlay

Bevan Place
