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In view of the various comments made by correspondents and commentators over the past few weeks, we wish to clarify the Church of Scotland’s position on the government consultation on the registration of civil partnerships and same sex marriage.

The Church of Scotland will make a properly considered response well within the 14-week consultation period. Before we do so we will meet with the deputy first minister and her officials, at her invitation.

This meeting and our response are being co-ordinated by the Church’s legal questions committee with the intention of taking full advantage of the consultation process and producing a submission which will count as one of the most substantial and clear headed.

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We recognise that some of our sister denominations have already publicised their response. We do not criticise them for doing so. Nevertheless, having regard to our responsibilities to the Scottish nation as well as to our own members, we do not believe that there is anything to be gained from submitting an ill-considered and hastily constructed response.

Also, out of respect for the process we are of the view that our response should first be submitted to the government before it is published in the columns of a newspaper.

(Rev) Alan J Hamilton

(Rev) John P Chalmers

The Church of Scotland

George Street


I have read with great interest the letters about gay partnership from various readers. I wonder if they ever give any thought to the parents of these “unfortunate” (in their eyes) people.

As the mother of a son who is gay and with a wonderful partner (who incidentally is a committed Christian and also a surgeon), I find it insulting, to put it mildly, to have my offspring categorised by those people who consider themselves to be Christian.

We are led to believe that we are all God’s children and those who happen to be of other sexual orientation are still born of the womb… exactly the same way in conception as “normal” people.

Perhaps those against gay partnership should take an inward glance at their conscience to find out just what makes them react in such a hurtful way to another human being.

Isobel M Brown

Greenend Road
