Negative on sex

Today the justice committee will be discussing yet another piece of sex negative legislation in the Criminal Justice and Licensing Bill. To be sex negative, a law, article, or philosophy must want to criminalise, ban, or otherwise stop activities simply because they deal with sex.

The simplest test of this is to replace the word "sex" in a description of something with another and see if the statement is still logical.

Amendment 516, relating to the control of lap dancing clubs and other adult entertainment venues, is one example of this sex negative attitude.

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Everyone knows that without sex the human species would cease to exist. Does it matter if one person prefers to do it in the dark while another prefers the outdoors?

Does it matter if one person prefers it under the sheets while another prefers it under a rubber mask?

Scotland is quickly becoming a sex-negative country. Views that sex is evil and wrong are becoming more and more popular.

The Scottish Government is increasingly being asked to do something about adults who are enjoying themselves with sexual behaviours that harm no-one. This is wrong. What consenting adults do with each other is not the realm of the government.

If it is a business, it should be regulated like any other business. If it is private, it should be left private, and the government should stay out.


Consenting Adult Action Network-Scotland

Ferry Road Avenue