Moral standing

“Murder won’t stand in way of closer ties with Russia, says Prime Minister David Cameron” (your report, 13 September). Well, it damned well should.

What is the matter with today’s political parties that they inevitably saddle us with leaders unable to differentiate between the need for both moral and political judgment, and when to give one priority over the other?

Cameron is willing to overlook state-sponsored murder, Alex Salmond to sanction the compulsory purchase of citizens’ homes for a golf course (of all things) – and Tony Blair to take us into an illegal war costing the lives of tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of Iraqi civilians … and all to facilitate them burrowing deeper into the pockets of their favoured businessmen or industrialists.

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Where are the moral men, and why are so few in evidence on election day? The political parties may rename or rebrand themselves as often as they like, but until they start offering honourable candidates instead of the usual smooth operators, we will, in increasing numbers, turn our backs on them.


Nether Craigwell

Calton Road, Edinburgh