
According to Derrick McClure, (Letters, 29 January) because his particular brand of "established" Scottish church has been around longer than Scientology or the Moonies, he seems to think he is automatically entitled to respect.

He describes me as being a "prejudiced fool" for pointing out the absurdities of believing in a book written thousands of years ago which says that the following were real historical events: the creation of the world in six days; a talking snake; a burning bush; a flood which engulfed the whole world; an Immaculate Conception; a virgin birth and a resurrection three days after death.

I say none of these things happened. To be a Christian, you must believe these events happened as the Bible is the infallible word of God. If you do not, then you are a liar who simply proclaims Christianity for other reasons mostly pecuniary. Either way, they are not relevant to a debate on assisted suicide in 21st century Scotland.


Noran Avenue


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