Love’s Labour lost

The composer of yesterday’s editorial (25 September), in concluding that “Mr Miliband’s… response to the No vote adds to the impression that Labour is far from in a fit condition to govern,” begs a question: if not Labour, then who?

Most UK voters are unionist by inclination; they must realise that the Conservatives almost lost Scotland, and by implication the United Kingdom.

Further: in the 2000s they demanded even more deregulation of banks and financial institutions than the Labour Party’s disastrous moves in that area. The voter will not forget that.

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It may not have been possible to have recovered from the trade depression that Tory get-rich-quick policies would have dropped us into.

And if you think they would have built up sensible reserves during the times of plenty you can think again – privatisation of anything that moved would have poured government income into the pockets of their backers and business colleagues – they have form for it.

Surely the Toxic Ones are un-electable for years, if not decades, to come. The Liberal Democrats will be punished at the polls for the sins of the coalition, and I can’t see Ukip ruling the southern roost for a few years yet. So, in 2015, if not Labour, who? Ah, Nicola of course; oops, sorry – wrong parliament.

David Fiddimore

Calton Road