Litter shame

May I add my thoughts to those recently expressed (Letters, 23 and 26 March) about the dismal failure of our elected leaders to address the growing litter problem, especially on some of our roads and motorways?

It is a disgrace and readers will have no difficulty citing examples they see daily. While it reflects badly on road users who create the mess in the first instance it also suggests a failure on the part of our political representatives who appear to turn a blind eye.

Anyone with an ounce of pride in our country must blush with shame as they approach the Gogar roundabout on the A720. I too have made repeated attempts to get some action but receive no response. It may seem to some to be a trivial matter but I believe it is indicative of a serious decline in public standards which flies in the face of all that our tourism minister and others tell us about our country's tourism potential.




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