Life’s not fair

Monica Tocher writes (Letters, 30 September) that she has been a staunch supporter of the SNP for many years, “believing my fellow Scots wanted a fairer, more just and egalitarian society… Sadly, the result of the referendum showed otherwise.”

Can we nip this libel – namely, that No voters did not care about fairness and justice and an egalitarian society – in the bud now, before it becomes received wisdom and appears in history books?

Here is an alternative hypothesis. Many No voters care passionately about fairness and justice and an egalitarian society but did not think these things were likely to be achieved via a ramshackle it’ll-be-all-right-on-the-night notion that if we throw the constitutional pieces up into the air they are bound to fall back down into a land of milk and honey, fairly and justly distributed.

Paul Brownsey

Larchfield Road



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Alan Black and Neil Sinclair wrote (Letters, 25 September) that they voted No to protect the disadvantaged in our society.

Now as George Osborne – “the man whose plan worked” (in adding £95 billion to the national debt) – announces a benefits cap and a freeze for two years, if the Tories are elected in the next parliament, which will hit the poorest and most vulnerable people in our communities, I await their letters of protest.

And as the twitter-sphere and other social media sites bulge with No voters who are announcing their disappointment, disillusionment and regret, we have to feel for them as they agonise about whether to vote for austerity-max with the Tories or austerity-plus with Labour.

Douglas Turner

Derby Street


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