Letters: Youth sport

What a mean-spirited and somewhat pretentious letter from Brian Allan (14 April) regarding Judy Murray's appeal for a more positive approach to sport and fitness in young people. I totally agree with Judy Murray's view on developing sport and fitness in our youngsters.

She has every right to express her opinion on this and I would guess that the majority of people in Scotland hold the same view.

Bob Anderson

Blackness Road


Successful sports people like Judy Murray who advocate more sport in schools make the mistake of assuming we are all highly competitive like her and her family.

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Far from it: participation rates suggest that many young people find PE a dreadful ordeal and get out as soon as possible.

It is a common myth to say that sport develops character. Rather it develops existing character. If you are naturally talented and confident then fine - go ahead and play.

But if, like the majority, you don't have these qualities then sport often equates to humiliation and embarrassment.

We will never solve our health problems until we tackle the culture of long working hours. I only get 30 minutes for lunch and by the end of the day I am ready to flop.

A truly radical government would grant us time away from our desks to be more active.

Ken Roberts

Dundas Street

All I can say regards Judy Murray's letter (12 April) is bravo! I am also saddened every day by some people's blatant disregard for their health.

OK, some sports are quite expensive but there are plenty that are relatively cheap. Running requires only a pair of trainers. Hill walking or rambling can be enjoyed without being kitted out in high-end gear.

I exercise almost every day at some point, either very early or late, after a long day's work. It's all about motivation. I don't believe for one minute that in this day and age, after all the publicity diet, health and fitness gets in the press, folk don't know what's good and bad for them.

How I wish the attitude would change here, before it's too late.

B McGregor

