Letters: Hollywood-style sign would suit Edinburgh

I see Hugh Hefner stumped up cash to help save the iconic white Hollywood sign (your report, 27 April). Isn't it about time we had a similar eye-catching sight here in Scotland's capital?

How about "EDINBURGH" carved across the Salisbury Crags. Perhaps the bland view of the castle from Princes Street could be perked up with a Mount Rushmore look?

I'm sure Alex Salmond would love to be plastered across the Castle Rock, at least until he relocated the capital to Perth, Scone or wherever. Then again, would you want Gordon Brown glowering over the New Town?

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Maybe we need people who are loved or well-respected by most, which seems to leave Billy Connolly and Nicola Sturgeon. Actually, forget the whole idea as they're Glaswegians and that would never do.


Colinton Grove
