Letter: Worth the weight

Emma Cowing (13 April) is right to highlight concern about Kate Middleton losing too much weight.

It is a tragic sign of the times that as individuals find themselves more in the spotlight, the more they feel the need to shrink to unhealthy sizes.

Back in the 1980s, the tabloids bullied Sarah Ferguson, revelling in calling her "the Duchess of Pork" because she wasn't stick thin. And we all know what happened to Princess Diana's weight.

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Nowadays the weekly women's magazines and certain news- papers seem to exist purely to make women feel bad about themselves - usually by drawing sneering attention to anyone in the public eye who doesn't have a body like a small boy.

Ms Middleton's weight loss is understandable, but it is sad and worrying, and gives a bad example to young people.

Denise Montgomery

Bell Street


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