Letter: Unjust deserts

AT A TIME when we are asked to listen to, and consider, the visions of certain politicians to lead us to greater social mobility and a fairer, just and more open society, we are expected to accept with unpalatable astonishment a remuneration package to RBS chief Stephen Hester of £7.7 million, (19 April) which includes salary, bonuses and shares.

Now I must have missed something, because I believe that RBS, as a 83 per cent publicly owned entity, lost in the trading year of 2010 1.1 billion.

Call me old fashioned, but surely reward only comes through success. It may be a good exercise for RBS to use a few of its "spare millions" to send a postal yes-no vote to every UK household, and face realism as to how the majority shareholders feel.

Derek Marks

Brook Street

Broughty Ferry, Dundee

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